Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, July 6, 2009
I was working and we were soooo busy...I amost missed the time! Did not know what cool thing to do at the last minute....so I took a pic of my favorite saying and the clock!!! Everyone did a good job! Thanks for all the Facebook pics too!
All who played will be entered into random[dot]org or com for a cool prize~
Until 8.9.10.....
*****Take your picture at 11 minutes 12 seconds after 10 EITHER am or pm, your choice****
Last night Chris thought of this cool idea to have everyone take a photo at the same time!
Are you in? Here's how to play:
1 Have your camera handy on July 8th-this Wednesday
2 Take a photo of whatever you are doing when your clock says 10:11 am or pm. (we won't worry about timezones)
3 Challenge yourself to think outside of the box in how you take the photo or don't worry about that part and just snap one real quick!
4 Post the photo on your blog or an online gallery. Leave a comment on my blog linked to your photo...a prize may be involved ;)
Posted by Domestic Diva at 8:55 PM 11 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
What's your preferance?
Posted by Domestic Diva at 10:35 AM 3 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
If I could have it all....
I would love to sing like Amy Winehouse...something about her REHAB song....love her voice!

I would want Meagan Foxes hair and BEAUTIFUL blue eyes.
Posted by Domestic Diva at 11:24 AM 6 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
I am soooo proud of my boys. This weekend was their first ever track meet. Si ran a 7 min mile! Yoohoo! He came in 5th...so he has his work to do. He has a great build for track and he is determined to practice to run the mile in 6 minutes or below. Si likes distance....me, even though I ran track in HS, I just wanted to get it over with...so I was a sprinter. Guess that doesn't say much for my stamina! JJ is my sprinter....fast and furious...that's the way to go!
We had to leave the meet early because we were BBQing at 5. Our couples group is so big, we wanted to just hang out and get to know a couple of people. The rain threatened it some, but we endured. After dinner, the kids challenged the men to kickball. Boy, the dad's do not have ANY mercy for for the kids, including girls...the mom's kept trying to convince them to take it easy on them, but much to our dismay, they acted terrible! Especially when they scored or when they got a kid out! Men!
Posted by Domestic Diva at 12:03 PM 3 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I remember you when....
Everytime I use this knife.... I remember the Koz family...one Thanksgiving they left it at my house....and then they moved and I never got it back to them.
Everytime I play this or wish I had someone to play it with...... I remember Monika...and the way she said "lead peep"
Everytime I read the Sunday ads...

Posted by Domestic Diva at 12:16 PM 4 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
Projects, book club and weather
This weekend was really weird. Friday night we had a huge thunder and lightening storm. It made me miss OK....pretty much had a rainy COLD weekend. Very strange weather for here. We even had a tornado touch down at Southlands Mall and it turned over some cars! No one was hurt PTL!
Several topics come to my mind today:
1. My wonderful friend Betsy is making her way home after TWO long weeks in CA! Woohoo! I can't wait! She made me take some days off work to play with her...yep, she twisted my arm ;) She reminds me so much of Michelle O. They would get along great.
2. Trying to work today is almost impossile. Can't type or talk...I think it is the weird weather.
3. I am working on several projects...aprons, scrapbook pages, pj shorts and I want to start a quilt. Just take a look at this YUMMY fabric from Amy Butler...This is called August Fields, Wild Bouquet.
Or what about this one....This one is Midwestern modern, Pink Dahlia.
Thanks Jaye for introducing me to this wonderful designer!
4. My book club is reading "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers. I just started the book on Friday and it seems to be a great read. The beginning is very sad and since Saundra would not tell me the ending, I had to read if for myself... otherwise I would have been depressed during the 300 or so pages. I am bad about reading the endings first!
I need to hurry and read it, (the middle portion anyway...lol) as I am hosting the girls on June 16th...wow, that is next week! Where does the time go?
Anyone have any suggestions for books to read?
Posted by Domestic Diva at 10:46 AM 4 comments